people are suffering from health problems caused by a modern lifestyle

         More and more people are suffering from health problems caused by a modern lifestyle which cannot be treated with modern medicines. Some people think that a return to traditional medicine should be encouraged. To what extent do you agree?

Even though modern medicine has increased life expectancy in general, the overall quality of life has taken a plunge due to health problems caused by the modern lifestyle. While some recommend a complete go back to traditional medicine, may others including me recommend a combination of traditional and modern medicines to adequately address the situation because traditional medicines were designed at a time that did not take the modern lifestyle into account.
As technology advanced and demand for goods increased, machines started performing many of the common tasks that humans used to perform because machines are more efficient in performing mundane tasks. As a result, the daily physical activity of humans has significantly decreased; for example, motor cars have eliminated the need to walk or cycle. Furthermore, as the population increased the demand for food and supplies has increased with it. To meet that new demand, companies are producing genetically modified crops that yield a higher output but can cause diseases such as cancer. Although traditional medicines are very effective in treating both common and complex health conditions, they are not designed to manage issues caused by the lack of physical activity or the consumption of unhealthy foods.
Modern medicine has been making tremendous progress in managing lifestyle problems such as obesity and cancer. However, there are a lot of known and unknown side effects to them because they have not been in the market for long. Traditional medicines, on the other hand, are devoid of such side effects and can treat a lot of issues that people face today. Besides, since modern medicine has assumed prominence today, traditional medicine is ignored to a great extent and does not receive enough funding. Therefore, traditional medicine is not catching up in some of the areas where modern medicine is doing wonders.
In conclusion, modern lifestyle has created medical problems that were absent in the past when humans consumed more natural produce and exercised more. As a result, traditional medicine that was created without taking the modern lifestyle into account cannot solve all the medical problems of the day even though it offers effective cures to many illnesses. Modern medicine, on the other hand, received significant research attention in the last century and has made strides in curing many diseases caused by lifestyle. Therefore, I recommend a combination of both traditional and modern medicines to create a harmonious balance.

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