The prevention key features from health problems and illness

  1. The prevention of health problems and illness is more important than treatment and medicine. Government funding should reflect this. To what extent do you agree?
It is an arguable statement of some people that the prevention of health problems and illness is more requisite than treatment and medicine. The investment of the government should be effective for this purpose. In my opinion, I agree with the statement because authorities can do such thing by starting some awareness campaigns and some rules or regulations. 
With the help of some knowledge programs, the government can be aware of the people from serious health issues. In such programs, authorities can aware of the people from the side-effects of unhealthy products like alcohol, cigarettes and so on. Sometimes, individuals become habitual of such things and not know the adverse impact of these articles. Recently, the government launch a health-related program, in this supporters describe the negative effects of harmful products on health. After attending the seminar, people get knowledge and leave their habits. Thus, this campaign becomes beneficial to improve and prevent their health from disease.
Moreover, pollution and chemical in food items are other factors that also affect people's health. Increasing pollutants in the environment become the cause of many skin and lungs related sicknesses for individuals. Besides this, remaining health is demolished by chemical foods. Farmers and other producers use the wrong and harmful ways to maintain the demand for food supply in the market. If the administration can put some steps toward such issues, people can prevent themselves from illness.
To conclude, authorities can play a crucial role in the improvement of individuals health by applying some health awareness campaigns. Although,  measures are also become beneficial to reduce the level of pollution and control the excessive use of pesticides on the food items.

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