Is Australian household greenhouse gas emitted??
The first pie chart depicts the information about the energy consumption of an Australian household. The percentage of greenhouse gas emissions of an Australian household is provided by another pie chart.
Overall, minimum energy is used and emitted in cooling. While, for heating, the maximum amount of total power is utilized.
According to energy consumption, 42% of total energy is used for heating purposes. In contrast, for cooling, only 2% of total power uses. To warm the water, one out of the third energy is utilized. In another appliance half of the water heating energy is used. For refrigeration and lighting, 7% and 4% of total power is used respectively.
In greenhouse gas emission, 32% of energy is released during water heating. However, the least amount of green gas is emitted from cooling. Around one-third of total energy is left from the other apparatus. And it’s approximately half of greenhouse gas removed during heating and refrigeration. Only 8% of total emission is done from lighting.